There is one huge industry, which is very well known to every customer. It is FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) or CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) industry. Fast moving means that its products are short lived on the shelves. Consumer Goods means many people buy its products every week or month, because their daily use. It includes household items (cleaners, polishes, air care), confectionary items, food stuff (ice-cream, snacks, baked goods, fresh products), beverages, alcoholic beverages, stationery, health supplements, OTC medicines. Companies on these market operate with low production costs and massive sale, but level of competitiveness may be too big for some of them. They can manage with this competitiveness by conducting FMCG marketing research Poland.
Using of FMCG market research
Market research in Poland is not difficult, if you know which market research company is the best one for this purpose. The best way to find such agency is to study of their references. Each market research company has a long list of clients and you should check it. Additionally it is good to check, if this agency work with a wide range of research methods and techniques and has big statistics and analytics team. After you, as a company representatives, chose an agency, their specialists prepare a methodology of a research project. In it they suggest what to study (e.g. brand positioning, packaging testing, range optimization, category management, development of a new product, advertisements testing, decision process, supply chain optimization, planning, unit cost reduction, application of best practices), when and on which target groups. Very important is the choice of the research method and technique. You can chose between qualitative and quantitative methods and between traditional questionnaire (PAPI), telephone questionnaire (CATI), computer assisted personal interview (CAPI), online surveys (CAWI), individual in-depth interviews (IDI), group interviews (FGI), mystery shopping, case studies, desk research, SWOT analysis and more.
Market surveys in Poland
In Poland you can chose between hundreds of market research companies, but only part of them is strong enough to conduct professional FMCG marketing surveys. But when you choose correctly, you can count on actual, credible data, which might help to improve effectiveness of the production, sale, advertising and other stuff (e.g. improve effectiveness, increase production line, improve capacity, reduce overtime, reduce set-up times, improve staff-motivation, improve management strategy, developing strategy or marketing strategy, improve quality of customer service, improve short and long-term information and advertising strategies. So, FMCG marketing surveys can offer you a best solutions in future development.